OTL 301 Post 2: Effective Practice Perception Changes?

OTL 301 Post 2: Effective Practice Perception Changes?

When I started the course, there was a large gap in my understanding of engaged online teaching and what would constitute or create a high quality online learning environment. I’ve always been concerned with course design, assuming that it was the core of the successful online environment; this is likely consistent with what most instructors who like their subject matter believe – the topic makes the course! After starting this course and completing the previous two I’ve started to come understand that it is possible for the online instructor to be engaged in a way that establishes a “presence” and encourages students to engage with the course and the materials.

My focus in my initial post for this course pondered the power of the use of video to connect with students but then wondered about how this course tries to create teaching presence. I do think that a video would be nice. Right now I’m writing these posts and I believe someone is checking up on them and reading them but I have no indication that they’ve been read. As an instructor who likes to hear her own voice (KIDDING!), this isn’t necessarily a problem for me but I’m clear that even with a video, prompt feedback or at least an indication that I too am engaged in the course, is necessary to indicate my teaching presence to my students.


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